I remembered to save a sample...
>Let's do Survival Boy first. This is in reply to my saying I want dinner as payment for lessons. He asked what kind of dinner, and I said anything but potatos. He says:
"Oh so you would like me to cook? I think you may be selling your self
short. Besides none of my kitchen experiments have ever turned out and I
wouldn't want to hurt you. Is that your final offer? Could I talk you down to New
Delhi after Institute on Wednesday with the option of the dinner of your choice at some later date?"
***Young, not cute... but fun enough to dance and flirt with. Maybe he'll set me up with his big brother.
>Not-Doctor Boy, regarding a pic. of me I sent of me in my "hi Ya" dress from when I was little. After seeing Hidalgo I told him about it, and he asked for a picture:
"oh, you're so cute.? This picture should definitely go on the website!? Thanks for the pic. How was New York?? Hope you had fun and didn't get lost.?"
***short sweet, not enough to go on. Sums it up.
>Derek's Turn (fyi, this is a long one for him. He knew I had been a little down...):
"I got one of the last parking spots in the stake center lot. I sat up in the third row by the Bishop and [NAME] and [NAME], but my seating was surviving on borrowed light and not the result of celestial timing. I'm sorry you were cast out of the synagogue."
*Intelligent and funny use of scriptural phrases. Yes. More my style.
"I tried to call you last night, but it was busy so I called the Piggy Horns girls in Utah and they kept me up late on the phone."
*Young girl that are like nieces/little sisters to him. Piggy Horns is a silly game they invented when the girls were toddlers. He likes to play with kids. Proof. More bonus points.
"I'm not sure what your question is about, but if you're asking about any girls in the ward, there is little to tell and I haven't asked any out."
*That was his response to my simple question 'So is her name Emily?'
"Anything exciting going on at the farm today?"
*He calls where I live "the compound" or "the farm."
***Yes. It's fun.
>Direct qoutes from Wanna-Be-Lawyer Boy:
"How has the week been?"
*Seven Days last time I checked.
"Its been pretty good for me i think."
*Are lower case I's a cutesy thing or a self esteem thing? You only *think* your week was *pretty* good. Commit to SOME level of decision.
"Work is well and im getting super excited for Conference."
*Oo, and contractions without the ' . I'm super impressed. ???
"Ive been waiting six months for this conference."
*Last one wasn't good enough for you, huh?
"I cant wait to recieve some new revelations"
*Yeah, cause that's exactly what it is. 'The world's gonna end the day after we get the 354th temple.' Or ... ok I'll stop.
"and just feel the Spirit from the conference."
*It's a good spirit, I agree - but something seems a little to Happy-Valley insincere here.
"I have some theories about some of the things we will hear."
*Ooooo, do tell. (with the fresh garlic breath level of sarcasm.)
"Of course the last time i had theories i was way off lol."
*see - there it is. lol. I have a theory we'll get married. Oops, way off.
"That generally happens. The Lord knows what to address better than I do:)"
*Yeah, I'd rather be reading an email from him too.
"but If the sermons the GAs have been given lately are any indications there will be mention of Soddom and Gommorah atleast once this weekend. Either way im super excited."
*??? Ok. And I bet they'll mention Gethsemane too. Or maybe I'm way off. (Ok, I think I'm needing to repent now.)
"Tonight has been kinda sad today."
*And just when I was going to try really hard to start being nice! I'd hire this guy as MY lawyer, wouldn't you?
"Been reading about what happened in Iraq today with the contractors being killed and their bodies being dragged through the streets. Its sickening. I saw a photo of it and it made me want to throw up."
*That's why I DIDN't LOOK at pictures. The thought was bad enough.
"I just cant comprehend how people can be so careless with life sometimes."
*Careless is not the term I would use here. I am thinking more along the lines of what horrors have these people have been subjected to to drive them to this level of anger? (That was a lot of to-s.) People don't just wake up and think, I'll be "careless with life" today. Just calling them evil and saying they hate us isn't enough. The important question is why. Why do they hate us? What's the point of the message they're trying to send. Are we getting it? As a country, I don't think so. Ok, this is an email analysis today, not letting me get on a political soap box -
"This world can be a frightening place,"
*I'm not afraid. I LOVE this world!
"but isnt it like so totally awesome how we have the Gospel in our lives?"
*Oh, I know. It's like soooo totally awesome, dude.
[edit out more of the same]
"Anyway just wanted to say hi. Talk to you soon. "
*** I think he's trying to make a positive impression on me? I really shouldn't laugh at others expense. But Really! Maybe impressive if I were twelve. Ok, then again, maybe not.***
Ok. Maybe I'm not really as nice as I think I am.