Friday, March 25, 2005

Most painless DTR ever

I hadn't even thought of bringing it up yet.

Oh wait, yes I had... Last week I was looking for the Yellow Farmer because I wanted to dance with him. I headed into the break room to see if he was there, and as I was about to walk out, Peter Pan was coming in. A blues song was playing, and he grabbed me and started dancing. Leter, YF walked into the break room to find Peter Pan blues dancing alone... I thought about bringing it up in a "don't worry" way later on, but then forgot about it.

After dancing (and games at the REALLY cool place called Backspace) last night, we spoke on the phone as he drove home. In passing he brought up how I had called him when he was at lunch with his brother, and when he hung up the phone his brother asked "Is that your girlfriend?" Of course, with a quick knee jerk reaction he said "No!" But then, he said, "Oh wait. We are dating. We have the same sense of humor and stuff..." And that's how it went.

We're dating. Good thing to know. But not boyfriend and girlfriend. Also nice.

This is SO my type of guy. We're laughing all the time.
Life is FUN, as it should be.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Farmer

Well, I'm calling him farmer... he lives and grew up on a farm. Oldest of 8 total kids, four near his age, and four newly adopted little sprites. (8, 5, 4, and 2.)

Currently for work he buys cars, fixes them up and sells them. He's decided to get a real job and move into the city soon, though.

He does not wear cowboy boots. He's a lot like Idaho-white in several ways, but he's definetly a yellow. (He even took the test last weekend.)

I like 'im. 'E likes me.

He's lived in Australia, France, and Germany... just because he could. Why visit when you can just move there?

Raised Catholic. Isn't now. He says when things must go beyond individuals into "organization" form, they often forget their original intention and become more about the survival of the organization. It's why, he says, he is no longer a member of the Sierra Club (plus a few of their policies he disagrees with).

We watched a documentary about politics and economics in Argentina, and a Co-op movement that is growing there. He liked it, and I pointed out to him it was all about the survival of an organization. He saw my point.

Yes, I like him. He's good fun. A dancer. He wears jeans and t-shirt on usual days, but I usually see him dressed up (slightly) for dancing. He wore "gumby pants" for dancing the other day. They were really cool. He knows how to sew.