Friday, June 04, 2004

Non-Boy Busy Time

Expect a slight lull in my postings - I'm running a festival this weekend, so I'm very busy. Also, Derek is headed to the Pittsburgh area to camp and see a free Wilco show for the weekend.

I'll then have one week of cleanup, one weekend with Derek, one week visiting the Eastern US part of my family, and a little more than a week of traveling across the country.

I went to to find some people in Portland to help me out before I get there - apartment hunting and the like. One male in particular has been very helpful, and fun to talk to. I have a new Portland friend already!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

what survival boy said

Scene: Derek and Survival Boy discussing me moving across the country.

Derek: Well, it was a good learning experience.

Survival Boy: All this time and energy and feelings, and you're just gonna let be a learning experience.

Well, that might make a difference. Actually, it already has.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

By far the Best Weekend

First it was the Phillies vs. Braves Friday night. A good time was had by all, but nothing huge to report.

Saturday, Derek and Survival Boy came to help as volunteers at my work. The weather was perfect, and the work was good. We finished several hours earlier than scheduled - then the three of us hopped in the car and headed for the Jersey Shore, Wildwood to be exact. Wildwood is a cheap carnival style boardwalk town with tacky stores, games, and people - but we went on a GREAT roller coaster - and the beach is big enough not to be crowded. Also, I got dumped in the ocean, and that was fun. The water wasn't too cold - but I didn't have a swim suit or a change of clothes, so I was cold on the way home.

Sunday, Derek was brave enough to sit by me in Sunday School AND in the combined RS/Priesthood meeting. He even invited me over for dinner after. Dinner was good, and the talking was good, and spirits were good, and he finally had the guts to kiss me goodbye. I'm so proud of him! I think his drive home & talk with Survival Boy Saturday after Wildwood helped him much.

Monday was Memorial Day, and my last day off before life turns into 100% work for a few weeks. We went with the singles ward to Rickett's Glenn... a very very beautiful hike with at least 25 waterfalls. It rained the most of the time, but that didn't even matter. It was beautiful and soooo worth it.

After we got home, Derek wanted a final bit of Yellow time - as it's getting close to the end of our time. We went to Blockbuster and rented Master and Commander. There was much too much gore for me to watch - so we stopped watching it after just a little way into it. We then tried watching an episode of Malcom in the Middle - and we had to stop that one for his sake. One of the boys was doing embarrassingly stupid things to try to impress a girl, and Derek said it was just painful to see, and not funny. So we skipped to another episode - and that was that.

It was so much it feels like one big long day of fun - and now I must go back to work.