Wednesday, June 26, 2002

before I have to force myself to go to work . . .
more about yellow some strenghts and limitations

as an individual I -and all yellows- am/are:
highly optimistic (rarely depressed)
like themselves and accepts others easily
love to volunteer for opportunities
see life as an experience to be enjoyed
are flashy
are advernturous and daring
need to look good socially
irresponsible and unreliable
self-centered and egotistical
flighty and uncommitted
lots of talk with little action
superficial and mostly interested in a good time
unwilling to experience pain in order to produce quality
loud and obnoxious in public places
exaggerates successes and omits unpleasant truths
and unable to confront or face issues.

These strenghts and limitations may not be all true all the time, but they are part of a yellow's natural personality. If the yellow developes character, they can improve on these limitations. For example, my white boyfriend taught me that being loud in public can really scare people, and how to be more calm in public situations. Thank you!

Tuesday, June 25, 2002


This will be a really short introduction to what being yellow means to get your foundation for understanding what I'm blogging about. More info about different color types will be randomly given as you get to know the other people in my life. I began to tell about all four colors, but I think I'll stick to yellow for now. If you want more info about the Color Code itself, go to this website.

what is yellow?
Yellow's are motivated by fun. They NEED *to look good (socially) *to be noticed *to be praised *approval from the masses, and they WANT *to hide their insecurities (loosely) *happiness *freedom and *playful adventure.

age: 23
location: temporarily, Moscow, Idaho attending the University of Idaho, my third school in the college career.

*other information of this sort will be given if interest is shows, and if I feel like telling.

My first experience with the the Hartman Personality Profile is when I was in fifth grade. My entire life I've had a hobby of investigating personality tests. I have retaken this test many times throughout my life, and always with the same results. For me, it's as true as true can be. So, you ask, what about me? Why this blog?

I need somewhere that I can share my personal experiences with people. I have a lot of friends, but I have a difficult time making a real intimate connection with people. Here, I will share crazy experiences and feelings. I'll just wait and see if anyone listens... I guess it doesn't really matter if you do, but I know there are those out there who are like me. Or if you're not, you know someone who is. Maybe I can help you relate to them better.

Coming soon . . .
*Personal facts about me, outside the color code.
*An impersonal explination of the Colors, and what they mean.