Friday, July 05, 2002

Don't Blow Your Fingers Off

Well, the fourth of July was nice. The band we went to see, Tuxedo Junction, was much better than I had expected. Nice sound quality, and they laid out a portable dance floor that was nice and slick. Unfortunately the small space was overrun by active children, leaving little to no room for those who actually knew how to dance. By the end of the night there was floor space, but I spent the entire last set in line to use the bathroom, and got out right at the end of the last song.

Fireworks were nothing spectacular, and the cuddling could have been better. I'm sure Red was concerned with him image, as there was another girl with us who goes to his same church. As I don't attend the same church they do I'd make him look bad if it got out that we were dating. Red is probably one of the most image concerned people I know.

Well, plans are for capture the flag tonight. I know Yellow will be there, and I remember inviting Blue last Monday or so, but I don't know if he'll be interested or remember. It's ok by me if he doesn't come . . . all the more attention I can focus on Yellow. And, seeing as it's not Saturday and we won't have to wake up early for church, perhaps I can manage some post-activity activity with him. We'll see. :)

Thursday, July 04, 2002

A Day Full of Rainbows

Well, if I had been in a kissing mood yesterday, I could have set a record. Three in one day. Luckily, I wasnÕt like that and I didnÕt kiss anyone, but there were some exciting impasses. (I think IÕm going to just refer to these boys as their color. It will keep things more anonymous just in case, and if you know youÕre colors youÕll understand them better than just by their names.)

Anyway, Red didnÕt have to work at his second job yesterday, so we decided to do dinner. I got off work at six, and he rode his bike over to escort me home so we could do the food thing. Well, he was a little earlier than six, and I wasnÕt quite all the way closed yet. As he was waiting outside while I did the final money stuff and locking up, I saw someone walking toward the door on the other side of the store. It was Blue! That was really surprising, because he has never come to pick me up without calling first. I hurried outside to make sure things would be completely civil when Red and Blue crossed each otherÕs paths. To my great fortune, everything was ok. Red even asked me if I wanted to ride home with Blue. No way, I was having dinner with Red tonight! They were totally nice to each other and we all discussed our plans for the fourth of July. Blue had gotten off work late, and said he saw me as he was driving by so he decided to stop. IÕm sure it caught him off guard that Red was there, because he know Red usually works. But they both have big enough guy egos that they both think I like them better, which is pretty amusing.

So on the way home with Red I got a phone call reminding me of a plans I had made. At the pool party on Monday we talked about getting together to play RISK. Since I didnÕt know where the girl lived who was hosting the game, it had been decided that Boy #4 would pick me up since it was on his way. Interesting again! (BTW, it has been confirmed. Boy #4 is definitely yellow. He knows the color code, and said so himself.) So I had dinner here with Red, and he was still here when Yellow came over to pick me up. I think I half-invited Red to come play, but he isnÕt a fan of RISK, and besides he was nearing the end of a good book and at the I-donÕt-want-to-put-it-down stage. So I felt no guilt coming home with Red and leaving with Yellow.

RISK was a lot of fun. Yellow is definitely a big flirt, both in words and actions. When it was getting late, we took turns laying on each others laps etc. while waiting for our turn. Neither of us took over the world, but we were two of the three strong contenders early in the game. It was obvious the other two girls werenÕt going to win, which actually ended up being my biggest mistake. I was too comfortable being surrounded by one of them, that it became too late for me to really contend in the game. When we were all tired and wanted to go home, I decided to just help the speed of the game, and ran a suicide mission taking as much of the other two girls out as I could so the serious wars could get going. Yellow kept tickling me and laughing at my jokes, and gave me a hug at the end of the night. I think I decided last night that I wonÕt kiss him, because I really like our friendship and I think that would take it to an irreparable weird place.

So tonight I headed out for fireworks and dancing with Red. WeÕre going to have fun! IÕve spent most of the day in bed so far, and decided it was finally time to get off my lazy rear. I canÕt upload this for a while though, because my roommate for some insane reason is working on a holiday, and using the internet. Oh well. IÕll report about fireworks with Red later.

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Before I begin brainstorming jobs, I have to wonder publicly.... How do people get others to read their blogs? I really want to share this. I would be so fun to hear comments and get advice from people I don't know. Do I have to get noticed by the blogger team? Do I have to pay to not have advertisements to be considered at all? Trouble is, I'm completely broke. (A typical problem being yellow as *work* is deemed as evil as the four letter word that it is.) I'm using what I've dubbed the "flirt for food" method right now just to eat. I would love to pay to support blogger, I think it's wonderful, but I also think paying my rent is an important issue right now.

Enough rant, here *just for fun* is a list of possible fun careers... a hotel critic, a profession university class auditor, swing dance instructor -high profile enough to give world-wide workshops-, travel guide book contributor, human subject for scientific experiments (non-life threatening of course), wedding planner, professional photographer -not the kind in a studio, but the kind that go out and do artistic things like for advertisements or fashion mags-, singer in a big band, music supervisor for movies. I think that's a pretty good list. Anyone offering jobs?

I hate working. It's true. I'm on my second senior year of college, and my third college. Sometimes I feel like just quitting since my degree isn't really anything marketable anyway. I see so many of my graduated friends working at places like Blockbuster, that it leaves me little hope for the future career world. So why do I stay in college? Because it's just plain fun. Forget the stress and the homework, I've seen what life outside of school can be. I took a year off school before starting college, and it was the most boring year of my life. I don't want to join the rat race! Where's the fun in that? Unless someone calls me up and offers me a job that has fun as a definition....

coming soon, a brainstormed list of jobs that could be fun...

Time to get into my life.

I'll just go for it and fill in details as necessary. Last night I went to a pool party, and ended up walking home with a tall, curly haired boy that so far I'm guessing is a yellow himself, but he's new enough yet that I can't bet on it. We discovered melted peanut butter is great on ice-cream. It sort of hardens life magic shell, and boy is it yummy. I think I may start spending more regular time with this yellow boy. Hurray, this gives me one boy to test drive from every color! You may think I'm horrible for dating four boys at the same time, but really I'm not. I'm a single girl, who does not want to be tied down just yet. I have different boys to fulfill different needs in my life. Don't worry, I'm not sleeping with any of them, and they all know about eachother (pretty much) so it's perfectly honest and legit. If I'm considered a "playett" at least all these boys know what they're getting into from the get-go.

Boy #1 = White, motivated by peace. He fills the place in my heart reserved for love. Only problem is that he's very far away, and long distance relationships get extremely diffficult. He knows this, and knows how much I need attention, so he allows me to date other guys with a promise of as little jelousy as possible as long as he's reassured he's number one.

Boy #2 = Red, motivated by control. (note=officially red is supposed to be motivated by power, but in all the Red's I've known, I feel control is the more appropriate word.) Red boy is leaving for a year of study abroad in August, and as far as I'm concerned that's forever, since I plan to have moved again before he gets back. So he's just a summer fling. Because he is such a workaholic, I usually only see him really late at nights, and we spend Thursday's together.

Boy #3 = Blue, motivated by intimacy. This boy adores me. He told me to give him a month, and I'd be in love with him. He knows I'm in love officially with "white", and sees me with "red" every Thursday (we all go dancing) but isn't scared off by the competition. I told him if he wanted to pursue me he was only asking for heartache, and it still didn't deter him. I've finally gotten him to the point where he's realized I won't give him what he wants... and he's no longer calling me "sweety," which is a very good thing.

Boy #4 = Yellow, like me! This boy is brand new and is wonderful. I've already been able to have deep conversations with him, and he completely understands and relates to me. This could easily develop into a best-friendship.