Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Time to get into my life.

I'll just go for it and fill in details as necessary. Last night I went to a pool party, and ended up walking home with a tall, curly haired boy that so far I'm guessing is a yellow himself, but he's new enough yet that I can't bet on it. We discovered melted peanut butter is great on ice-cream. It sort of hardens life magic shell, and boy is it yummy. I think I may start spending more regular time with this yellow boy. Hurray, this gives me one boy to test drive from every color! You may think I'm horrible for dating four boys at the same time, but really I'm not. I'm a single girl, who does not want to be tied down just yet. I have different boys to fulfill different needs in my life. Don't worry, I'm not sleeping with any of them, and they all know about eachother (pretty much) so it's perfectly honest and legit. If I'm considered a "playett" at least all these boys know what they're getting into from the get-go.

Boy #1 = White, motivated by peace. He fills the place in my heart reserved for love. Only problem is that he's very far away, and long distance relationships get extremely diffficult. He knows this, and knows how much I need attention, so he allows me to date other guys with a promise of as little jelousy as possible as long as he's reassured he's number one.

Boy #2 = Red, motivated by control. (note=officially red is supposed to be motivated by power, but in all the Red's I've known, I feel control is the more appropriate word.) Red boy is leaving for a year of study abroad in August, and as far as I'm concerned that's forever, since I plan to have moved again before he gets back. So he's just a summer fling. Because he is such a workaholic, I usually only see him really late at nights, and we spend Thursday's together.

Boy #3 = Blue, motivated by intimacy. This boy adores me. He told me to give him a month, and I'd be in love with him. He knows I'm in love officially with "white", and sees me with "red" every Thursday (we all go dancing) but isn't scared off by the competition. I told him if he wanted to pursue me he was only asking for heartache, and it still didn't deter him. I've finally gotten him to the point where he's realized I won't give him what he wants... and he's no longer calling me "sweety," which is a very good thing.

Boy #4 = Yellow, like me! This boy is brand new and is wonderful. I've already been able to have deep conversations with him, and he completely understands and relates to me. This could easily develop into a best-friendship.


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