Saturday, August 21, 2004

It's Saturday. Yes it is.

I saw The Republican's cousin today, who I met last Sunday and also last night. He said "are you guys doing anything tonight?" You guys - and if there is a "we." That makes me nervous - but not nervous enough to worry or care.

He did call me, just to talk, on the way to his sister's house. He's kinda fun to talk to. I don't think he'd be really into some of those more philisophical discussions I really like, though.

I'm trying to debate right now whether to go out tonight. (Not with The Rep., just out.)

he like to booogie

Yeah! I'm back online. :)

Well, it's almost 1am, and I'm back from the dance with The Republican. We didn't leave until 10, so the whole thing felt very short.

It felt silly like in high school (it meaning the dancing - I'm not used to dancing with boys who don't know how anymore), but also the same way going on dates in high school felt: nothing there but nothing to complain about, nothing substantial worth mentioning - but at least enough to talk about intelligently, and a quick hug at the end. Ho Hum.

I wouldn't say no if he asked me out again, but I'm not gonna think about him and get giddy in any way either. Oh well.

Monday, August 16, 2004

It takes 5 weeks.

It takes 5 weeks to get a real date in Portland. That's exactly how long it took me, and my collegue who moved out here one week earlier to get a date.

First, I need to clarify that I am not Pro-abortion. My main point in my email was that I felt my brothers basis for his argument was flawed. I have been thinking about pro-choice issues, though, especially as most going-to-vote Republican people I know use it as their #1 issue for why they vote the way they do. I personally feel that misleading people into a war where people who are most definetly alive and definetly going to die because of war is a more serious issue on the moral judgement scale. But, this is not my blog for politics... though perhaps it may touch on that occasionally.

Second, I had my first LDS (pseudo) date in Portland last night. He asked me. We went to a fireside together, and I made him a smoothie afterwards. (Not my best smoothie, I was out of yogurt, and the raspberries were a bit tart.) Don't know enough about him yet to say if there's any potential, but here is what I do know: He's good looking in that preppy-boy way, he's a registered Republican who likes Bush - but used only abortion as his supporting issue as most LDS Bush supporters seem to do, he's 28 or 29 (born in 1975), and he's working to become a physical therapist - not in school right now, but planning to start again in January.

I'll learn more when we go to the YSA dance on Friday.

Oo - gotta go. I'm offline for a bit at home, so I'm here afterhours at work... and need to get out before they leave and set the alarm on me downstairs.