Saturday, March 27, 2004

Doctor Boy called just to see if I was going to be at the Luau tonight. Yes I am. He called just for that. :)

Friday, March 26, 2004

I know... Suspense huh.

Tuesday was fun. Turns out I was wrong. He's not a med student... but we'll have to call him "the doctor" anyhow just for consistancy. The med stuff only has to do with his job. I don't get it right now, but he is fun.

I saw him AND Derek Wednesday. I managed to stick around long enough to get to "hang out" with "people" after. (I feel like that Shiela girl from Say Anything...)
Anyway, Doctor Boy left early for something else, so we just talked a little bit.

But a few people went to this red-head-from-Seattle (yeah Seattle!) guy's house, and he made a curry dish for us. Derek was still a lot of fun, and darn it all, ok, I'm gonna leave it at that.

There was this girl there who was the type of girl who kinda drives me nuts.... I mean I like boys and all, but this was that type of girl who -
Well, she's my age, and she's been divorced already. I shouldn't be judgemental, but she seems like the typical kind of girl who got married young out of bliss and quickly so that she could "legally" have sex. And it doesn't seem liked she learned anything from it. She one of those girls that are the reason I'm glad I don't live where I grew up.

I gotta give her credit. I don't even know her story, and she seems like she'll be a lot of fun to hang out with... even though I won't be able to compete with her boy-wise. (Did I mention she's the gorgeous preppy blonde type?)

Monday, March 22, 2004

Derek Drama
I guess I should explain myself.

So, yeah. We were both invited to a girls house for games and such on Saturday night. Derek asked if -I think her name was Emily- was going to be there. The girl said "No, why, are you disappointed?" He said yes. Then, while we were there, somebody asked him where a particular girl was. I thought it was the same one. And I start thinking - what is this? He's afraid to be seen with me in public, but there must be some other girl that he's not afraid to be seen with. So I was upset and couldn't say anything about it because of last weeks' clarification that we really are JUST friends. Gruff!

So this morning, at the end of my response to his usual daily email, I simply wrote "so is her name Emily?" ... with no explanaition.
He wrote back today saying he didn't know what I was refering to, but there wasn't anyone he'd asked out or anything. I wrote back and said with him asking about her, and others asking him where she was I thought it was worth teasing him about. I totally kept my cool, and he'll never have to know how upset I was.

But the past few weeks have definetly affected his conscience, as he called me pretty early today to see if we could hang out this week. I kinda had to turn him down - busy Tuesday, but I didn't tell him why (but I'll tell you in a second!) and Thursday I'm headed to NY. He's going up to see his family on Fri. for the weekend so that leaves us with Wednesday. He goes to this class he's been trying to convince me to go to on Wednesdays, so I promised him I'd go this time and be social that night. I'll see him then, but not exclusively. This game is back on my terms now. Yeah.

and, it's a date!
Another thing that made yesterday crappy (on top of all the other things not really worth mentioning - except for this guy who was attempting to hit on me Saturday that gave me this "he's probably got good intentions but kinda creeps me out" vibe-there was an email from him in my inbox this morning. Not so much interested.) - I was hoping to see smart Medical Student Boy. Didn't see him at all. I knew he had spring break this week, so I was hoping to get his number and some of his free time.

This morning I received an email from him! He said he was disappointed that he didn't see me yesterday because he wanted to get my number and see if I wanted to hang out sometime this week. Ohhhhh yeah.

Short of it - we're going to see Hidalgo tomorrow.
Fun and games of it - Derek introduced me to him.

My roomates are the great girl-friend type who we all share our dramas with. They're all as excited as I am for tomorrow, and have begun drilling me with questions. I didn't know the answers to any of them, but they said I had to know by Wednesday.

and my fun with the rainbow of boy personalities continues.....

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Maybe he IS a typical guy, and now I'm hurt.

Who is this Emily that people were asking him where she was?

Oooh frustraition. Especially that I just reassured him that I don't like him as anything more than a friend. But if he was being dishonest with me....

Ouch. Today I'm hurt.