Friday, June 25, 2004

From the Road - "Hello Wisconsin!"

What happens when you combine a Mormon woman, a Jewish male (in a committed relationship), and a gay Buddhist male? Add in to the equation that they are all Yellow personalities (I predict - they'll be taking the test today), have great musical taste, and are spending all day inside "Marina, the Midwife of Frankenstein" (a blue minivan).
A Grrreat trip - so far.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

When I get there

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'm excited to meet the Portland Blue I've been emailing. Yes, there is a date lined up, but no pressure.

It takes me less and less time each place I move to nab a date, or at least make friends. That's a good thing about moving. I have to practice making friends. It's a skill I've always felt weak in, though those who see me as an outside observer wouldn't think so.

Old Boys

I spent the weekend seeing old boys, that were always just friends. Never "my" boys.

Yesterday, I visited an old friend from when I lived in North Carolina. I was nice and fun, except the timing was bad. There was also another girl in from out of town visiting... and he wasn't able to find me a date in time, so it was the three of us playing games. It didn't feel awkward to me, but I'm sure things would have been slightly different had it been one on one.

He's one of those guys other people automatically think are cute, but for some reason isn't exactly my type physically. It's not that I think he's bad looking - maybe it's just that he's blonde. I don't know. I'm more easily attracted to dark haired boys.

Also, today I saw someone I had forgotten about from when I did live here. He was the fun date everyone kind of guy when I lived here. I never did go on a date with him, but I met him during a group date. I became pretty good friends with a girl who had fallen for him and felt crushed by him. Well, he's married now. Right in speedy LDS fashion. His wife is a babe, and he's still very a friendly.