I hate lack of closure
I would at least like to hear something like "you're right. I have to have nothing to do with you to be fair to her." Hearing nothing, absolutely nothing at all, kinda wierds me out. At least a goodbye. At least a no more. But not nothing.
Have you told him that?
Anonymous, at 7:21 AM
nothing is your answer. If you havent heard anything than its done. That doesn't mean he won't try and pop up again in the future....don't fall for it (you will probably get a call from him as soon as you find someone else, murphy's law). Trust me, if it wasn't over, you would have heard from him.
brohammas, at 12:12 PM
I know, but saying it makes the pain less...
I usually get to keep friendships - and I'm not going to stop pursuing friendships with the great people he's introduced me to... so I know I'll keep seeing him, and it will always be very awkward unless there can be some closure.
Amberlynn, at 1:47 PM
Kaliki-maka says forget closure, cuz if you keep chasing him to get said 'closure' you will simply be the crazy chick who won't let go...dont be the crazy chick. Even if he doesnt think yer crazy his new/old girlfriend will.
I say: If you really had feelings for him past friendship, then of course you can't stay friends. YOU CANT GO BACK. Its not appropriate for him...hint on how most guys are... if you both know something than why haveto say it. You know its not appropriate so why should he have to call and tell you that? (thats how guys think...I know cuz i am one).
brohammas, at 7:18 PM
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