Saturday, May 15, 2004

Bothersome & Flopp (good cat names!)

I find anonymous commenters irritating. At least come up with some silly name or something. Creativity is a requirement when dealing with a Yellow.

On a brighter note - I bought a big floppy hat to wear for my next three Saturdays of working all day in the sun. I've only purchased one hat before--A baseball cap from Disneyland. Baseball caps look terrible on me. I almost bought this cowgirlish hat, YeeHaw!, but then I saw it in the mirror and it was icky on me. I then decided I'll just go out and get sunburned (no matter how much sunscreen, scalp burn happens). Then I just randomly tried on floppy hat and a big smile happened in the mirror.

I rarely shop, or buy anything *new* for that matter, but when a hat can make me smile like that... it's for work. Yes. A Floppy Work Hat. Good.


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