Monday, February 14, 2005


Portland Perfection called me today, for the first time since he got back together with the x. He's been very sick with a bronchial infection. Poor PP.

I spent 5 hours on the phone last night with an old friend from middle/high school. It was great to catch up with him, and he's actually probably going to come out and visit me next month. My sophomore year, he took me to prom, and was a very bad date. If/when he comes to visit, we'll do a do-over. That will be fun!

Idaho White is coming over for my creators salon this weekend.

I met several new exciting guys last weekend, and attended my dream party on Friday night, and another very good party Saturday night. Interest the first: a lawyer who's a great blues dancer. Interest two: a guy from Seattle I spent two hours talking with. Interest three: the host of Saturday's party - remind me to tell you about his home. He's an amazing artist...

For this weekend, excited am I!


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