Saturday, July 24, 2004


So I've been praying lately to gain a testimony regarding morality (in the physical context). I logically understand all the arguments for it, and live by it, but I've never truly been sold on it on certain levels. This could be a dangerous confession as most people who read this actually know who I am. But anyway -
So I had a victory tonight, but this is on the same level I've always been sold on. So it's really not a victory or learning experience at all, but anyway, it was interesting.

So I spent the day hiking Mt. Hood (Ahhhhhh! I love it here) and although it is a Saturday night, I felt tired and decided not to go out. So I'm messing around on the computer, and a guy begins chatting with me (I should clarify - I don't chat just anywhere, this was LDS chat stuff). Turns out he's in Portland. He invites me to come over to "hang out." So I talk some more, and I discover his motivations. I tell him, nope. No interest at all.

It's good to get that unexpected check-in and know I have a good sense of self worth.