Thursday, January 29, 2004

Sharpen Your Pencils and put on your Thinking Caps, this is a multiple choice Exam.

1. Given the following scenario,

There is a cute nerdy (In a Good Way!) boy who is going on an overnight trip into unknown depths of an Eastern State to visit old friends. There is a scary (in a good way?) girl who in is new to the East and would like to explore and see as much of it as she can during her stay. She also likes to spend time with the boy and thinks he's an adorable nerd-in-a-good-way; exactly her type. Her stay in the East could be as short as five months, OR it could last years. She just doesn't know, which hightens her urgent desire to see as much as quickly as possible, or find a reason and way to stay.

Which course of action most nearly matches the one that will happen: (Mark all that apply)

__The boy goes and has a great time. The girl stays at home writing children's stories, and wondering what would have happened had she had the guts to say she was really interested in going along.
__The boy never even considered inviting her, she's too scary, so he didn't.
__The boy thought of inviting her, but didn't want to be too forward, so he didn't.
__The boy thought of inviting her, but was embarrased at the idea of introducing this girl to his friends, so he didn't.
__His friends have a very small place, and he didn't invite the girl because there would be no room for her.
__The scary girl forced the boy to let her come along by threatening death by tickles.
__The boy decided to do something he'd never done before, casting out all fears (of the girl, and the severe teasing that would result among friends and family about the girl), and take the girl - introducing her to his friends as the girl he was currently:
__Afraid of
__Using to Learn how to kiss
__Afraid to kiss because he hadn't really had experience, and knew she had, so it made him nervous
__Giving a chance to see somewhere she's never seen before
__Really Really afraid of
__Experimenting with the notion that taking care of strange Daughters of God was part of his Priesthood Responsibility
__The boy had asked his friends if he could bring a friend along, and they said, NO WAY!
__Something came up, and the boy couldn't go
__For reasons beyond all description, the girl could not go
__Due to top secret matters, the whole "visiting friends" was a guise that he presented for the girl so she would leave him alone for what he was REALLY doing for the weekend.
__He thought it would be inappropriate to invite a girl along for a trip like this.
__He cried out Leave Me Alone You Scary Girl!!!
__He cried out You're Very Interesting You Scary Girl, (in a good way!)!!!

Essay explaining your choices:

Remember, there are no wrong choices. Just different consequences.
Good Luck. This is a timed exam. Please respond before it is too late.


(Later, there was an amendment with added options... which I don't remember now)


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