Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Sudden Immersion

I met YF's entire family last weekend. He mentioned he was taking "the kids" (his four young siblings) to see The Incredibles. I asked if I could come to - and it turned out the entire family was there. Well, all but his one sister who doesn't live in Oregon, and the one in-law. (It's a *great* movie, by the way.)

Then, YF remembered he had to babysit the kids that day - so I stayed to help. You can't really beat a day spent playing with kids. We played red light green light in their big back yard (they do live on a farm) and I hopped on a hoppity horse. This kids did my hair with a million clips, gave me a nickname, and goodnight kisses.

Can I just be a mom now please?!!!!


  • I was umimpressed with the incerdibles. i thought shark tale was a tad cliche but still better- "reeeespeck!"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:49 PM  

  • I just saw Shark Tale today. Totally did nothing for me. I guess it's kinda like evangelical christians telling me how much I was going to like the movie Saved...

    By Blogger Amberlynn, at 6:46 PM  

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